Tax Assessment

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Request an Unbiased Tax Assessment in Columbus, NC

Our company helps you navigate the tax laws that affect your property by providing expert property tax appraisal services.

Have you ever wondered if your property is undervalued? Are you concerned that your property taxes are too high? Do you want to ensure that your property’s value is accurately reflected in the appraisal process? If so, our company can help. At Green Creek Appraisal, LLC, we can determine what your property is worth and whether or not it’s being taxed correctly. Our experts provide a complete and thorough property tax assessment that will serve as a basis for all future valuations of your home. If you’re in South or North Carolina, feel free to request your tax appraisal and start saving money on your tax bill.

Learn More About Our Process

The first step of our process is a full assessment of the property in question. We look at factors like size, age, condition, and the location of your home to determine its value. We use that information to calculate your tax rate based on local ordinances. Our team also assesses your neighborhood’s current market conditions. This allows us to understand what homes sell for and how much they sell at auction versus privately negotiated sales.

Once we’ve determined the fair market value of your property, as well as its taxable status, we can help you decide the next course of action. This can include filing a tax appeal requesting a tax adjustment.

Consult With Qualified Professionals

We’ll work with you throughout the process, from collecting information about your property to helping you understand what factors affect appraisals. We’ll even help you understand how much your taxes might increase or decrease based on those factors. Call today to request your tax assessment in Columbus, NC, or surrounding areas.